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16 décembre 2014

Le mal ne se maintient que par la violence, et La vérité est la seule arme dont nous disposons, de Gandhi

le-mal-ne-se-maintient-que-par-la-violence-declaration-du-mahatma-gandhi-23-mars-1922-n-2244-9782757815014Deux discours, le premier du Mahatma Gandhi, du 23 mars 1922 et l'autre, du Dalaï Lama, le 10 décembre 1989. Je les ai lus en anglais, mais avec le texte français en regard, ce qui m'a permis de combler quelques petites incertitudes dues à ma faible maîtrise de cette langue.

 The first speech was given by Gandhi during his prosecution because of three articles that reflected his "desaffection" for British Authority. I learnt from the french preface of the speech that Gandhi had terminated the Swaraj (peaceful resistance), precisely because of the violence she had caused ... It's not the winning image I had of Indian resistance.

Gandhi explained his disaffection, said he has long been a loyal subject but that the finding of hardness, lack of humanity and understanding for Indian diversity, outright exploitation of the country rather than cooperation wape out his "voluntary and hearty co-operation".

I admire the beauty of English spoken by Gandh, his syntactic complexity skills (as far as I am able to tell), I do not read often so smart and neat english texts.

I can't say the same for the Dalai Lama, but because of this, it's easier for me to read.

I started feeling quickly bored, as every time I read what seems to me the usual banalities (jaber jaber, serenity, jaber jaber, inner peace, jaber jaber, peace in the world, etc.) inspiring followers of Bouddhic Mysticism. Certainly, it is not because it seems trite, hackneyed that it's worthless. We, the Westerners should have at that rate, while vomiting Stoic discourse that permeates us since its origins. The Dalai Lama goes beyond this stereotyped speech, presenting later all his records, proving that he is not a chief of theocratic state (is "theocratic" the right word in his case ? I'm not sure) ghost, but a world citizen, to whom nothing that is human is another and feels interest in the struggles of all the oppressed absolutely, humans, animals, plants on all continents. It exposes of course, also specificaly sufferings of his country from whick he exiled and the project he has for the future of Tibet and the role it could play in other countries : "a place where people from all over the world could come to seek the true meaning of peace (...). Tibet could indeed become a creative center for the promotion and development of peace."

Sorry for my pathetic english...
